
Our latest shipments have arrived. Please contact us on if you'd like to order anything.



Adolfo's Corydoras R 240 
Panda Corydoras R 90
Otocinclus R 90
Borneo Sucker R 120
Clown Loach R 185
Khuli Loach R 40
Red Beckford Pencil R 50
Galaxy Rasbora 

R 75

Hetrmorpha Espei Rasbora 

R 40 

Pseudomugil Red Var Paskai R 80
Spotted Fucata R 55



Orange Spine Naso Tang
R 800
Yellow Pyramid Butterfly R 1400
Copperband Butterfly R 700
Blue Tang R 900
Bicolor Angel R 550
Eibl's Angel R 550
Foxface  R 600
Sailfin Tang R 950
Canary Wrasse R 450
Sixline Wrasse R 380
Cleaner Wrasse R 380
Black Leopard Wrasse R 500
Ornate Leopard Wrasse R 500
Lawnmower Blenny R 380
Blue Green Chromis R 350
Southern Redeye Fairy Wrasse R 500
Pajama Cardinal R 400
Gold-Specs Jawfish R 650
Six Spoted Goby R 400
Crab Eye Goby R 500
Yellow Watchman Goby R 500
Diamond Goby R 400
Bicolor Blenny R 380
Mandarin Dragonet R 500
Cleaner Shrimp R 390
Kuekenthal's Cleaner Shrimp R 320
Boxing Shrimp R 450
Electric Blue Hermit R 220
Multicolor Sea Urchin R 400
Tuxedo Sea Urchin R 400
Strawberry Conch Snail R 400
Sand Sifting Sea Star R 400
Bumble Bee Snail { Engina Sp } R 220
Trochus Snail R 220



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