R 151.00
Acid Buffer™ is a non–phosphate buffer to lower pH and buffer with Alkaline Buffer™. Both buffers are designed for the planted aquarium or for very...
View full product detailsR 151.00
Alkaline Buffer™ is a non–phosphate buffer to raise pH and alkalinity (KH) and buffer with Acid Buffer™. These buffers are designed for the planted aquarium...
View full product detailsR 270.00
Alkaline Regulator™ adjusts pH to the alkaline range (7.1–7.6) and supports the establishment of the optimal environment for all alkaline acclimated species (e.g. bosemani, various...
View full product detailsR 153.00
AmGuardâ„¢ safely, rapidly and efï¬ciently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. AmGuardâ„¢...
View full product detailsR 485.00
Bacter 100 is a substrate additive, containing more than 100 kinds of substrate bacteria in a dormant state. By sprinkling on the base substrate, it...
View full product detailsR 90.00
Betta Basicsâ„¢ is designed to provide the optimal environment for both betta and plant. Betta Basicsâ„¢ removes any chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia. It buffers...
View full product detailsR 177.00
Seachem’s Brackish Salt™ is a chemically sound blend of salts designed to replicate the native environment of live bearers and other brackish estuary fish without...
View full product detailsR 248.00
Cichlid Lake Saltâ„¢ is a chemically sound blend of salts designed to replicate the natural environment of Rift Lake African Cichlids. It contains all physiologically...
View full product detailsR 232.00
Cichlid Traceâ„¢ supplies a broad range of trace elements demonstrated* to be necessary for proper ï¬sh health and growth. Unlike terrestrial animals, fish obtain nutrients...
View full product detailsR 149.00
Clarityâ„¢ is the ultimate clarifier for both fresh and saltwater. It employs an advanced polymeric flocculating agent that is both reef and plant safe. Clarityâ„¢...
View full product detailsR 485.00
r helps the growth of microorganisms. By sprinkling on the base substrate, it promotes the growth of microorganisms in the substrate, and stabilizes the environment.
View full product detailsR 265.00
Discus Buffer® helps to replicate the ideal Discus environment (low pH & low GH (General Hardness)). Discus Buffer® will lower pH and keep it lowered....
View full product detailsR 269.00
Discus Traceâ„¢ supplies a broad range of trace elements demonstrated* to be necessary for proper ï¬sh health and growth. Unlike terrestrial animals, fish obtain nutrients...
View full product detailsR 258.00
Equilibriumâ„¢ is specifically designed to establish the ideal mineral content for the planted aquarium. Equilibriumâ„¢ contains no sodium or chloride (which can be detrimental to...
View full product detailsR 90.00
Gold Basicsâ„¢ is designed to provide the optimal bowl environment for goldfish. Gold Basicsâ„¢ removes any chlorine, chloramine, and ammonia. It buffers the water to...
View full product detailsR 248.00
Malawi/Victoria Bufferâ„¢ is a blend of carbonate salts designed to enhance the natural environment of cichlids by increasing carbonate hardness, buffer capacity, and pH. It...
View full product detailsR 248.00
Marine Buffer® will safely raise marine pH to 8.3. It will not raise pH above 8.3 even if inadvertently overdosed. Marine Buffer® is a blended...
View full product detailsR 136.00
Neutral Regulator® adjusts pH to neutral (pH 7.0) from either a low or high pH and maintains it there. It softens water by precipitating calcium...
View full product detailsR 65.00
Ph 10.0 Calibration Fluid Neptune systems Use this liquid to calibrate your pH electrode. This is, together with the 7.00 pH, the most commonly used...
View full product detailsR 550.00
Pond Clarigenâ„¢ is the ultimate clarifier for ponds. It employs an advanced polymeric flocculating agent that is pond safe. Pond Clarigenâ„¢ is the only clarifier...
View full product detailsR 729.00
Pond pH Bufferâ„¢ is designed to raise pH and buffer decorative ponds without the use of phosphates. It is ideal for use with planted ponds...
View full product detailsR 574.00
Pond Prime® is a complete conditioner that removes chlorine, chloramine, and detoxifies ammonia and nitrite. It also provides essential ions and stimulates natural slime coat....
View full product detailsR 548.00
Pond Stability® will rapidly and safely establish the pond biofilter in new ponds, thereby preventing fish deaths due to incomplete biofilter cycling. Pond Stability® will...
View full product detailsR 120.00
Nearly all pet aquatics companies manufacture a product that removes chlorine. None of those, however, can compare in quality, concentration, or effectiveness to Seachem’s flagship...
View full product detailsR 182.00
Pristineâ„¢ uses bio-augmentation, a non-chemical and natural method, to improve water quality. It provides bacteria that break down excess food, waste and detritus in freshwater...
View full product detailsR 296.00
Reef Advantage Calcium™ is a non-caustic (pH 8.3–8.6) optimized blend of ionic calcium designed to restore and maintain calcium to levels found in natural seawater....
View full product detailsR 212.00
Reef Advantage Magnesiumâ„¢ is a concentrated (80,000 ppm) optimized blend of magnesium, chloride, and sulfate salts designed to restore depleted levels of magnesium with minimal...
View full product detailsR 212.00
Strontium occurs in natural seawater at a concentration of about 8 to 10 mg/L. It is chemically very similar to calcium, and many organisms incorporate...
View full product detailsR 248.00
When used as directed Reef Bufferâ„¢ will raise the pH of your reef system to 8.3 without fear of accidentally overshooting the pH to a...
View full product detailsR 248.00
Reef Builderâ„¢ raises carbonate alkalinity (KH) without immediately impacting on pH. With long term use there will be a tendency to stabilize at pH 8.3....
View full product detailsR 410.00
Reef Kalkwasserâ„¢ is a pure calcium hydroxide with unsurpassed purity and solubility characteristics. Calcium hydroxide is used to prepare limewater (kalkwasser) solutions that will maintain...
View full product detailsR 835.00 – Sold Out
Red Sea’s Reef Mature Pro Kit provides a complete program for the biological maturation of your reef aquarium, establishing full nitrification plus nitrate and phosphate...
View full product detailsR 105.00
Replenishâ„¢ is a proprietary blend of salts designed to replenish physiologically relevant minerals that are removed by reverse osmosis or deionizing filtration. Replenishâ„¢ restores General...
View full product detailsR 208.00
Safeâ„¢ is the complete and super-concentrated dry Water Treatment for both fresh and salt water. Safeâ„¢ removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate....
View full product detailsR 114.00
Stability® will rapidly and safely establish the aquarium biofilter in freshwater and marine systems, thereby preventing the #1 cause of fish death: "new tank syndrome"....
View full product detailsR 114.00
StressGuardâ„¢ is the premium slime coat protection product. StressGuardâ„¢ will reduce stress and ammonia toxicity whenever handling or transporting ï¬sh. StressGuardâ„¢ binds to exposed protein...
View full product detailsR 248.00
Tanganyika Bufferâ„¢ is a blend of carbonate salts designed to enhance the natural environment of cichlids by increasing alkalinity, carbonate hardness, buffer capacity, and pH....
View full product detailsR 485.00
Tourmaline BC contains fine bamboo charcoal, absorbing organic pollutant substances and tourmaline. Add some over the substrate during the initial set-up, and it will help...
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